Thursday, November 11, 2010


It's midnight which means i officially have went two days with no food and barely any water,and TONS of walking and standing around in the cold basically all day.
I haven't weighed myself for a while, and i don't want to until the next 10 days are over, starting weight was 108,i am assuming i was at least 106 by now,i feel fucking great, my goal weight for when i weigh myself after 10 days is at least 100lbs, or fucking at least 102lbs.
Thats about all for brain is a little loopy at the moment.


*Broken* said...

I always drink tons of water when I fast so I don´t get dehydrate and pass out.
You´ll get to a 100 in 10 days for sure sweetie!

elle x said...

hey hun, well done on your fast! what pills are you taking? xxxx

Depressed Skinny Mess. said...

Well done! Just be careful not to faint or anything!! D: You will get to 100 dw! :) xx

gem said...

well doneeeee! be carefull u shud drink plenty of waterr stay strong hun xxx

Thin_Envy said...

wow youre doing great I hope i cant do the same! stay strong and drink water silly


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