Monday, August 16, 2010


Okay first i just wanted to say...
YAY 2 followers! hahaha thanks guys ;)

Secondly, I got home around an hour ago, its 4:50pm and i am just starting to eat my frozen yogurt (literally, yogurt that is frozen) its yummy and cold (no shit hahah). Much better then ice cream. and surprisingly after my first lick, i didn't go in some crazy binge mode, where i stick the whole thing in my mouth and then raid the kitchen. I'm satisfied! I actually JUST mushed it all up so now its actually like ice cream. I think i just surprised myself with my creativity skills.

I'm heading to my brothers house around 6, going to smoke weed with his girlfriend, probably not the best idea while on a diet, I've seen the outcome of this plenty of times but i haven't learned my lesson yet, well i kind of have, i barely smoke weed anymore so i guess this could be considered a "congratulations!" on my hard work hahah. I'm actually really nervous that my appetite will come back permanently after tonight...Well control is key, i control my m
ind/brain, i control if i want to eat or not, and i can control the munchies! My plan is to come back around 930-10ish, update my blog then go to sleep (Which should be easy since i will most likely be burnt out hahah), besides i need to be up at 6-630 tomorrow morning to babysit. blechhhhhh! I might possibly clean my room (i didn't finish last night) before i go to sleep tonight.

**Also my dad bought Chinese Food today, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!
Chinese Food is right up their with KFC and Sandwiches,Wraps and Burgers for me hahaha. I swear this guy makes/buys the BEST food when I'm not in a binge/purge cycle.

OH! can i just say, I'm not a crack head ^^ With all this talk of marijuana and whatnot lol. Everyone needs an escape :)


Sometimes I wish I was someone other then me, Fighting to make the mirror happy.




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